Bange Septemberdagen 1944 (7)
Wat gebeurde er in onze regio op vrijdag 15
september 1944?
Leopoldsburg : briefing van britse officieren over de
operatie Market Garden
In de bioscoop Splendid (Leopoldsburg) hield de
britse Generaal Brian Horrocks de
laatste briefing aan de bevelvoerders die van 15 tot 25 september 1944 zouden
deelnemen aan Operatie Market Garden.
Over die militaire operatie leert Wikipedia
ons het volgende:De Britse bevelhebber veldmaarschalk
Bernard Montgomery, pleitte tijdens de
geallieerde opmars door Europa voor een bruggenhoofd in de Duitse linies. Na
enige twijfel ging opperbevelhebber Eisenhower
akkoord met het gewaagde plan van de Brit. Het plan van Montgomery bestond uit
twee delen, Operatie Market en Operatie Garden, en hield
in dat Britse en Amerikaanse luchtlandingsdivisies belangrijke bruggen over,
onder andere, de Rijn,
de Maas
en de Waal
moesten veroveren, waarna grondtroepen uit België via deze bruggen op konden
rukken richting het IJsselmeer. Hierdoor konden de Duitsers in Nederland in een
tangbeweging worden gepakt en was het mogelijk om op te rukken naar het Ruhrgebied,
waar het hart van de Duitse oorlogsindustrie was. Het plan was zeer ambitieus en snelheid was
van belang. Het Britse 30e Legerkorps, onder leiding van luitenant-generaal Brian
Horrocks, moest vanuit België oprukken en binnen drie dagen in Arnhem zijn.
Hiervoor moesten binnen deze drie dagen alle tussengelegen bruggen veroverd
zijn. De Amerikaanse 101e Luchtlandingsdivisie moest alle
bruggen tussen Eindhoven en Veghel
veiligstellen. De andere Amerikaanse luchtlandingsdivisie, de 82e Luchtlandingsdivisie kreeg de opdracht
om alle bruggen Grave en Nijmegen
te veroveren. De Britse 1e Luchtlandingsdivisie moest de bruggen
over de Rijn
bij Arnhem innemen. De Poolse 1e Onafhankelijke
Parachutistenbrigade ondersteunden de Britten bij Oosterbeek, ter
verdediging van de Rijn. De operatie zou worden voorafgegaan door een
bombardement om het Duitse luchtdoelgeschut en de vliegvelden in het zuiden van
Nederland uit te schakelen. Operatie Market
omvatte het luchtlandingsplan en Operatie Garden
het grondoffensief, samen werd dit Operatie Market Garden. Drie geallieerde
luchtlandingsdivisies zouden worden afgeworpen boven de Nederlandse steden Eindhoven,
en Nijmegen
en de weg vrijmaken voor het Britse 117e Legerkorps,
dat opgesteld was nabij Leopoldsburg en via Joe's Bridge
te Lommel
oprukte richting Nederland. Op de eerste dag zou dit korps Eindhoven moeten
hebben bereikt, op de tweede dag Nijmegen en op de derde dag Arnhem. De
operatie mislukte grotendeels en ging de geschiedenis in als “a bridge to far”.
Interessante info over deze mislukte operatie
ook op
V.l.n.r. Generaals Horrocks en Montgomery, en Prins Bernard van Nederland
weerslag hiervan in de verslagen van de Irish Guards
De bevelhebber van de Irish Guards (J.O.E.
Vandeleur) heeft op zijn beurt zijn officieren gebriefd
over het gewaagde plan.
The Brigadier gave orders for the break out from the bridge head and the advance N to the ZUIDER ZEE. 5 GDS ARMD BDE would lead the Division and the IRISH GUARDS GROUP lead the Brigade. In support there would be 10 Fd and 3 Medium and 1 Heavy Regts RA, and Typhoons flying overhead and available on call.
We were close advance N up the main road to link up with the AMERICAN and BRITISH AIRBORNE DIVISIONS at EINDHOVEN, GRAVE, NIJMEGEN and ARNHEM and then push ton to the ZUIDER ZEE at NUNSPEET consolidate and wait for the rest of SECOND ARMY to arrive. The next advance would then be on MUNSTER to cut off the RUHR.
‘D’ Day was 17 Sep, and the Airborne Corps would be dropped probably at 13.00hrs. The whole operation was called MARKET GARDEN.
The Commanding Officer addressed all ranks, thanked them for their fine efforts and congratulated them on the successes gained. Afterwards religious services were held in memory of those who had been killed during the advance.
The Commanding Officer gave out preliminary orders for MARKET GARDEN, but as yet no details.
The Brigadier gave orders for the break out from the bridge head and the advance N to the ZUIDER ZEE. 5 GDS ARMD BDE would lead the Division and the IRISH GUARDS GROUP lead the Brigade. In support there would be 10 Fd and 3 Medium and 1 Heavy Regts RA, and Typhoons flying overhead and available on call.
We were close advance N up the main road to link up with the AMERICAN and BRITISH AIRBORNE DIVISIONS at EINDHOVEN, GRAVE, NIJMEGEN and ARNHEM and then push ton to the ZUIDER ZEE at NUNSPEET consolidate and wait for the rest of SECOND ARMY to arrive. The next advance would then be on MUNSTER to cut off the RUHR.
‘D’ Day was 17 Sep, and the Airborne Corps would be dropped probably at 13.00hrs. The whole operation was called MARKET GARDEN.
The Commanding Officer addressed all ranks, thanked them for their fine efforts and congratulated them on the successes gained. Afterwards religious services were held in memory of those who had been killed during the advance.
The Commanding Officer gave out preliminary orders for MARKET GARDEN, but as yet no details.
En wat valt er in het het Duitse Kriegstagebuch te
lezen ?
17.15 Uhr:
Gespräch mit
Major Langlotz. Chef des Stabes fordert dringend, dass die 2 Pz. Jg. Kp. 719
und die 2 s. Flak – Bttr. die vom LXVII A.K. festgehalten werden, sofort dem
Generalkommando zur Verfügung gestellt werden und im übrigen von LXVII A.K.
freigegeben werden. Major Langlotz sagte zu, dass er dies dem Chef des Stabes
vortragen werde und Bescheid geben würde. Gleichzeitig teilte Major Langlotz
mit, dass es dem Gegner im Brückenkopf an der Brücke Heuvel, über den Maas – Schelde – Kanal, gelungen sei, mit 1 – 2 Kp. und etwa 20
Panzern auf das Nordufer zu gelangen. Es wird gebeten, dass die Kampfgruppe
Chill mit der Gruppe Ackermann artilleristisch dorthin wirkt.
Blijkbaar waren een twintigtal Britse tanks
de brug van Lommel-Barrier overgetrokken om het ten noorden van de brug gelegen
“bruggenhoofd” te versterken en uit te breiden.
Dat laatste kunnen we afchecken in het Imperial War Museum te Londen
Onder inventarisnr. A70 160-2 wordt daar immers een
film van 15 september bewaard, waarop te zien is hoe britse artillerie de
Duitse posities rond Lommel-Kolonie bestookt. Genietroepen herstellen intussen
de houten vloer van de veroverde brug van Lommel-Barrier.
Infanteristen van de 50e (Northumbrian) Divisie (231e brigade) stappen over de brug richting
Nederland, om de Guards die zich daar enkele dagen eerder ingegraven hadden, af
te lossen:
30th Corps prepares its formations for Operation 'Garden'.
Gunners belonging to the 55th Field Regiment's 439th Battery RA open fire with their
25-pounder gun during a 'softening-up' bombardment on units of the German 1st
Parachute Army defending the Meuse-Escaut canal line and territory north of the
de Groote Barrier bridgehead. Sappers repair the worn wooden parquet surface of
the German built trestle bridge (Joe's Bridge) over the Meuse-Escaut canal as units
from 50th Division's 231st Brigade file into the de Groote Barrier bridgehead;
simultaneously units of the Guards Armoured Division march southward out of the
salient they had won.
The 50th (Northumbrian) Division, 1944: 231 Infantry Brigade Workshops, REME: Four British NCOs sit together on a pile of crates in front of a background of a camp with tanks and military vehicles parked in front of huts with grass roofs. Pentekening van Anthony Gross 1944.
Update: Een Duitse tegenaanval
Er is weinig over te vinden, maar blijkbaar
hebben de Duitse Fallschirmjäger op 15 september gepoogd om via een tegenaanval
op het britse bruggenhoofd (Lommel-Barrier en –Kolonie) de brug te heroveren. Bij
gebrek aan artillerie-ondersteuning mislukte de aanval echter:
On september 13 General Student sent his adjutant (major Schacht) to personally check the condition of the units at Neerpelt. Enemy armor was seen at La Colonie and the general had to stop the advance.Based on Schachts reports Student decided to postpone the attack while waiting for better units. The man in command of the Kampfgruppe would be a staffofficer named colonel Walther. By early September the regiment, commanded by a newly promoted, had been reconstituted and reinserted into the line occupying a position north west of Beverloo in Belgium, but they were soon on the move again when the Allies advanced north to the area around Neerpelt just south of the Dutch border. On 13th September FJR 6 (Lieutenant-Colonel von der Heydte) were ordered to attack the Allied bridgehead, but logistical delays insued and the attack did not commence until the 15th as part of the greater effort of Kampfgruppe Walther. Oberst von der Heydte was ordered to spearhead an attack from the west with the objectives of securing La Colonie and the seize the bridges across the Mass-Scheldt canal. The attack commenced at 08.00 hours and at first went well, overrunning enemy outposts near La Colonie, but soon encountered stiff British resistance. Supporting tank destroyers pushed slowly forward but by the afternoon the attack became bogged down in the middle of La Colonie. With British armour hampering the advance as well as accurate artillery fire from the British positions. Oberst von der Heydte reported, "This attack failed as it had to be conducted without artillery support." Combat continued the next day with the British reinforcing their positions, but this attack soon became overshadowed by larger events.
Een andere bron ( It never snows in september) vermeldt hierover:
The attack now took place at 15 september, Von Heydtes unit was to form the spearhead , his unit was in an assembly area near Luyksgestel. His objectives: secure La Colonie and advance to Heunels heath to capture the bridge there. 2 other batallions Segler and one of Von Hoffmans battalions commanded by major kerutt acted as diversionally recon in force. The 105 mm battery and the 88s were used for direct fire support. Heavy rains kept allied planes on the ground but the British artillery was very accurate. The constant barrages took many casualties among the Germans. Fallschirmjaeger reg 6 attacked northwest of La Colonie on 08.00. They had support from Roestlers armor.
Around 0830 british artillery opened up and stopped the infantry advance. Roestlers armor moved forward but the british artillery knocked out 3 of the precious tankdestroyers. It proved to be imposssible to drive the British troops back and kampfgruppe Walther went over to the defense. The unit held a formidable bridgehead along the Hechtel-Valkenswaard road. To his left 85th division and to the right the paratrooperdivision Erdmann.
On september 16 Student ordered the attack to be resumed. Because the british troops slowly received reinforcements Walthers men did not like the prospect of attacking again. Walther launched only some minor probes, waiting for the inevitable coming allied attack.
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